Principal’s Note
Dear Parents, This is the final message I will send for 2017-18. It has been a wonderful year of learning and growth. If you are moving, please know we will miss your children and family at our school. If you are staying with us for another year of Elementary School, please be on the lookout for an important email from the ES Office on Friday, August 17. We will provide information about your child's Homeroom teacher for 2018-19. Additionally, mark your calendar! On Monday, August 20 from 1-3 PM we invite all returning families to come to campus to reconnect with past teachers, see new classrooms and locate friends who are back in Warsaw! It is a wonderful way to keep the stress of the first day of school in check. It has been my pleasure to serve you. Enjoy the summer! Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up... until the end: Thursday, June 21- Grade 5 Celebration Friday, June 22- - Last Day of School! - Dismissal at 11:30 AM - ES Report Cards sent home Goodbye to Departing ES Staff- They will be missed! Lindsey ARSCOTT Beni BORSI Aneta FILIPCZYŃSKA Bree-Anne KRAFT Taylor FRAZIER Jeffrey MILLER Bas KIENHUIS Michael AVERY Mary NIESLUCHOWSKI New Assignments for Teachers in 2018-19: George BENSON- Grade 2 Michael NONATO- PYP Instructional Technology Coach Katherine DUNEVANT- PYP Instructional Technology Coach Simon MAY- Transferring to HS Kris SHEEHAN- Transferring to MS Jenn JORDAN- Transferring to MS Do You Love Fruit and Veggies? The ASW Community Garden, which has been tended by every grade in the Elementary this year, needs volunteers to water over the summer. Bonus? You can pick and eat fruit and vegetables too! Sign up to volunteer at the garden- and be sure to bring your kids! ASW ES Community Garden Summer Care. AND Here is a video which details how to support our garden.
Principal’s Note: Dear Parents, Time is flying by as we move through this month toward the end of school. Please be sure to check teacher blogs for the most up-to-date information about classroom events. If you find the blog isn't updated when you open it- please email the teacher directly to let them know you aren't seeing updated information. All teachers update their blogs with frequent information.
It could be you are using a link which hasn't updated. We appreciate the feedback. Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Saturday, May 26- ASW High School Seniors (Grade 12 students) Graduate! Wednesday, May 30- Last Day to Check Out Books in the Library Thursday and Friday, May 31 and June 1- Corpus Christi Holiday- NO SCHOOL Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Free Concert by "Ray"diant String Ensemble "Ray"diant String Ensemble will be performing at 3:45 pm on May 29 in the ASW Theater. You will hear ASW student musicians play Pop-Disney medleys on violin, viola, and cello under the direction of Mr. Ray Wong. This free performance is about 40 minutes in length. We are looking forward to seeing you there! *Students must be supervised by an adult to attend the concert. (Questions? Please contact ES Music Teacher- Karen Andrews: [email protected]) 2018-19 Class Placement Process- No Parent Requests Please Placing students in their classrooms for our next school year is a multi-step process designed to ensure the development of balanced classes which meet the needs of all students. First of all, Grades PK-5 class lists will initially be compiled by the current grade level teachers without the assignment of specific classroom teacher names. Other teachers, including EAL, Learning Support, Additional Language and Single Subject teachers are also able to provide input about the proposed groupings. The work is undertaken with a close eye on developing classes balanced in terms of gender, special student learning needs, English language development, nationality, and learner traits. We do not create classes based on friendships. In August, the Principal and Counselors add teacher names to each group, once our new students have been added to the lists. It is important to note that parent requests to place students in the classroom of a specific teacher or requests for specific friends, will not be honored. However, consideration will be given to requests from parents to not have their child placed in a specific classroom due to past personal experience. (Personal experience would mean that another sibling in the same family was previously in the teacher’s classroom and the experience was not a positive one.) If your family is in this situation, please contact me via email ([email protected]) by Friday, June 1, 2018, noting the name of the teacher and the name of the child that was in the teacher’s classroom in the past. Please be assured that any communication will be handled in a confidential manner. *Grade 6 class groups- current Grade 5 students- are compiled by the Middle School Counselor and Admin team. (Questions? Please contact ES Principal Jen Munnerlyn ([email protected]) Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at the school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Moving Plans? As we enter Spring, we begin to hear about families who are leaving ASW and won't be here next year. To help us ensure a smooth transition for your family, please email Admissions ([email protected]) to let them know you will not be returning. From there, the ES Counselors and teachers will be able to plan for a positive transition to a new school and home, for your child. Principal’s Note Dear Parents,
We are learning all the time. Learning those important academic skills, but also learning how to be humans, together, in all kinds of settings and scenarios. For all of us, learning how to be friends, how to find common ground, and how to interact with all kinds of people is a skill worth developing. During this time of MAP and other end-of-year assessing, it is a good reminder for all of us. Learning isn't limited to the classroom. The most important learning we teach is learning how to be people. Good, happy, interesting, adaptable, responsible, and willing-to-work-through-it people. I will be away on professional development Friday and Monday (May 17 and May 21). Please know the Elementary Office team is ready to assist you as needed. Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Monday-Friday, May 14-18- Grades 3-5 MAP Testing Thursday, May 17- Grade 2 Music Performance (8:45-9:30) Friday, May 18- Early Childhood (PK/K) "Spotlight On" Assembly (8:45-9:30) Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! MAP- Measures of Academic Progress Testing- Grades 3-5 During the week of May 14-18, we will be conducting the MAP test in the Elementary School. This test is a standardized test students in Grades 3-5 take on a computer. It is also an “adaptive test” meaning the questions change based on how the child answers them. A few important items to note:
2018-19 Class Placement Process- No Parent Requests Please Placing students in their classrooms for our next school year is a multi-step process designed to ensure the development of balanced classes which meet the needs of all students. First of all, class lists will initially be compiled by the current grade level teachers without the assignment of specific classroom teacher names. Other teachers, including EAL, Learning Support, Additional Language and Single Subject teachers are also able to provide input about the proposed groupings. The work is undertaken with a close eye on developing classes balanced in terms of gender, special student learning needs, English language development, nationality, and learner traits. We do not create classes based on friendships. Then in August, the Principal and Counselors add teacher names to each group, once our new students have been added to the lists. It is important to note that parent requests to place students in the classroom of a specific teacher or requests for specific friends,will not be honored. However, consideration will be given to requests from parents to not have their child placed in a specific classroom due to past personal experience. (Personal experience would mean that another sibling in the same family was previously in the teacher’s classroom and the experience was not a positive one.) If your family is in this situation, please contact me via email ([email protected]) by Friday, June 1, 2018, noting the name of the teacher and the name of the child that was in the teacher’s classroom in the past. Please be assured that any communication will be handled in a confidential manner. (Questions? Please contact ES Principal Jen Munnerlyn ([email protected]) Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at the school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Moving Plans? As we enter Spring, we begin to hear about families who are leaving ASW and won't be here next year. To help us ensure a smooth transition for your family, please email Admissions ([email protected]) to let them know you will not be returning. From there, the ES Counselors and teachers will be able to plan for a positive transition to a new school and home, for your child. Dear Parents, I have some exciting news and a thank you to share! First of all, if you come into school this week, you will notice our Lost and Found has been cleaned and organized. In fact, it isn't just our lost and found. The various Lost and Founds from around the school have been pulled together in one spot to help make finding lost items easier. All items here are not labeled. Those that are, we are trying to deliver back into the hands of the owners. The thank yous go to our parents: Anne Guss, Darcy Crawford, and Brian Mason. Anne's idea and vision allowed others to get involved. She demonstrated our Core Value: We all need to do the same from here. - ES students, teachers and TAs will strive to keep the Lost and Found organized. - Parents and students need to look and take their items from the Lost and Found. (Or throw them away- there are several single shoes. If it is yours and the mate is gone- please throw it out!) - On the last day of school, the items not collected will be donated. - Want an easy way to label your children's items? Here is label link popular with many parents! Future plans are in the works for a centralized whole-school ASW Lost and Found. We are all in this together! Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Thursday, April 26: Grades 3 and 4 Music Class Performance in the Theatre (8:45- 9:30) Friday, April 27: Professional Development Day for Teachers- No School for students Monday, April 30- Friday, May 4: Spring Break Holiday Monday, May 6: School resumes Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Parent Partnership Meeting Feedback We had 20 parents attend the Parent Partnership meeting on Friday. (Here is the quick Keynote I used at that meeting.) Parents participated in an Appreciative Inquiry, Strengths-Based share cycle aimed to jump-start our discussions with what is going well at ASW. From there, we dreamed of ways to make our school even better! Here is what was shared and considered: Substitutes Needed!
Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at the school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Moving Plans? As we enter Spring, we begin to hear about families who are leaving ASW and won't be here next year. To help us ensure a smooth transition for your family, please email Admissions ([email protected]) to let them know you will not be returning. From there, the ES Counselors and teachers will be able to plan for a positive transition to a new school and home, for your child. Principal’s Note Dear Parents, This weather is helping us all get moving! We are overflowing with bikes and scooters. Thank you for providing this active transportation method for your children. It is a joy to see them biking and riding in. Please remind your children to park their bikes in the bike rack and their scooters near the stairs. These areas allow us to keep our walkways, which are also evacuation paths, open. Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Friday, April 20: Parent Partnership Meeting: Let's Connect! (8:45-9:30 ES Tower) Tuesday, April 24: ASW Maker Faire Friday, April 27: Professional Development Day for Teachers- No School for students Monday, April 30- Friday, May 4: Spring Break Holiday Monday, May 6: School resumes Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Request for Dolls (A Makers Idea in Action)- G5 Jordan Inspired by the work of Sonia Singh, during our How We Express Ourselves UOI, we want to take action. We were shocked by the messages media sends us all of the time, even through our toys. We want to change that, and one way we can is by re-styling all the glamour dolls we can. We want to then share this with others. To make this happen, we need to ask for your help. We are looking for donations (not to be returned) “glamified” toy dolls. (See the picture to see what we are looking for, and hope to do.) We want to turn these dolls into dolls that look like our friends and anyone else we might see.
Please reach out to friends, dig through toy boxes. If you can help, please send them with your child to their homeroom teacher, or deliver to Mr. Jordan’s classroom C158, across from the Design Center. See you at the Maker Faire on April 24th! Parent Partnership Meeting- Let's Connect! ALL ES PARENTS are invited to attend this Parent Partnership Meeting! We will talk about the year so far, brainstorm ways to make our school even better, and look forward to how the year will end. Please join me for yummy muffins, community-building dialogue, and a chance to celebrate our learners! (You are only young once!) Friday,April20: 8:45-9:30 in the ES Tower. (Questions? Please email ES Principal- Jen Munnerlyn: [email protected]) Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Moving Plans? As we enter Spring, we begin to hear about families who are leaving ASW and won't be here next year. To help us ensure a smooth transition for your family, please email Admissions ([email protected]) to let them know you will not be returning. From there, the ES Counselors and teachers will be able to plan for a positive transition to a new school and home, for your child. Principal’s Note Dear Parents, What a great day! Our Student-Led Conferences were a hit with families and teachers. First of all, did you know only 14 families in the Elementary did not attend? That is a record. Following that, I've received very positive responses from parents regarding the format. Several were surprised at how much the event meant to their children. Thank you, parents, for taking the time from your busy schedules to attend this important event. We couldn't do it without you. Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Friday, April 13: Grade 2 "Spotlight On" Assembly (8:45- ASW Theatre) Friday, April 20: Parent Partnership Meeting: Let's Connect! (8:45-9:30 ES Tower) April 15 (Sunday) G4-5 12:00-1:00 PM and G2-3 1:30-2:45 PM April 16 (Monday) G4-5 6:00-7:00 PM April 17 (Tuesday) G2-3 6:00-7:00 PM Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Request for Dolls (A Makers Idea in Action)- G5 Jordan Inspired by the work of Sonia Singh, during our How We Express Ourselves UOI, we want to take action. We were shocked by the messages media sends us all of the time, even through our toys. We want to change that, and one way we can is by re-styling all the glamour dolls we can. We want to then share this with others. To make this happen, we need to ask for your help. We are looking for donations (not to be returned) “glamified” toy dolls. (See the picture to see what we are looking for, and hope to do.) We want to turn these dolls into dolls that look like our friends and anyone else we might see. Please reach out to friends, dig through toy boxes. If you can help, please send them with your child to their homeroom teacher, or deliver to Mr. Jordan’s classroom C158, across from the Design Center. See you at the Maker Faire on April 24th! Parent Partnership Meeting- Let's Connect! ALL ES PARENTS are invited to attend this Parent Partnership Meeting! We will talk about the year so far, brainstorm ways to make our school even better, and look forward to how the year will end. Please join me for yummy muffins, community-building dialogue, and a chance to celebrate our learners! (You are only young once!) Friday, April 20: 8:45-9:30 in the ES Tower. (Questions? Please email ES Principal- Jen Munnerlyn: [email protected]) After-School Activity Drama Club Performances! Sunday, April 22: ES Drama Production- Matinee Performance (12- 2:00 PM) Monday, April 23: ES Drama Production- Grades 4-5 Performance (6:00-7:00 PM) Tuesday, April 24: ES Drama Production- Grade 2-3 Performance (6:00-7:00 PM) Substitutes Needed!
Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Moving Plans? As we enter Spring, we begin to hear about families who are leaving ASW and won't be here next year. To help us ensure a smooth transition for your family, please email Admissions ([email protected]) to let them know you will not be returning. From there, the ES Counselors and teachers will be able to plan for a positive transition to a new school and home, for your child. Principal’s Note Dear Parents, Our Student Led Conferences are happening on Friday! Students are excited to lead the sharing of their learning journey so far. Please view this short video "Student-Led Conferences at ASW" to get a sense of what these conferences will entail and how it will go. These students are living one of our ASW Core Values: Warmly,
Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Friday, April 6- PK-Grade 5: ES PYP Student-Led Conferences (Not a regular School Day.) Friday, April 13: Grade 2 "Spotlight On" Assembly (8:45- ASW Theatre) Friday, April 20: Parent Partnership Meeting: Let's Connect! (8:45-9:30 ES Tower) Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Student-Led Conferences- Friday, April 6th Image Credit: The Elementary will host Student-Led Conferences on Friday, April 6th- it is not a regular school day. (If you need assistance, please contact the ES Office: [email protected]) Annual ES Chess Tournament - April 7th (10:00-4:00pm) From the Activities Office and Student Organizers (Antoni Kowalski and Sasha Markitan): Chess is a battle, full of adrenaline rushes and courageous sacrifices. On April 7, ASW calls for all knights, kings, and queens to help us win and bathe in the glory of victory! For an Elementary child to participate in the chess tournament:
Lunch will be provided on Saturday for all players. (Questions? Please contact Stephen Sidaway- Activities Director: [email protected]) Parent Partnership Meeting- Let's Connect! ALL ES PARENTS are invited to attend this Parent Partnership Meeting! We will talk about the year so far, brainstorm ways to make our school even better, and look forward to how the year will end. Please join me for yummy muffins, community-building dialogue, and a chance to celebrate our learners! (You are only young once!) Friday, April 20: 8:45-9:30 in the ES Tower. (Questions? Please email ES Principal- Jen Munnerlyn: [email protected]) Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Moving Plans? As we enter Spring, we begin to hear about families who are leaving ASW and won't be here next year. To help us ensure a smooth transition for your family, please email Admissions (a[email protected]) to let them know you will not be returning. From there, the ES Counselors and teachers will be able to plan for a positive transition to a new school and home, for your child. March 21, 2018 Principal’s Note Dear Parents, As you know, we will host our Student-Led Conferences on April 6. Sign-ups are now open via PowerSchool. There is a short video to help you sign up below. We look forward to seeing you at ASW for this important event! Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Friday, March 23- Spotlight On Assembly- Grade 3 (8:45 in the Theatre) Thursday-Monday, March 29-April 2- No School Friday, April 6- Student-Led Conferences Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Student-Led Conferences- Friday, April 6th The Elementary will host Student-Led Conferences on Friday, April 6th. What can you expect? Students will lead parents through their own individual learning experiences. Each classroom will host up to 4 student led-conferences per hour time slot. There will be 15 minute breaks between each session to allow parents to move to their next child’s conference (and to allow the teacher to ready the room for the next group). The in-class part of the conference will last up-to 45 minutes, which can either be preceded or followed by visits to the student’s single-subject classes and other learning spaces around the school. (There are no separate sign-ups for these visits.) Conferences may be conducted in English or in a student’s home language, whichever is best for students and parents. Things to keep in mind: All parents and students are expected to attend their conference time. We will not have regular school on April 6- although attendance at the scheduled conference (during the times you sign up for) is mandatory. Teachers (and students!) will not host Student-Led Conferences outside of this already- established day. **As I mentioned at Back to School night in August, parents are welcome to schedule other times to meet with teachers regarding their children. The conferences scheduled on the ES Calendar- when students are not attending a regular school day- require student and parent presence to ensure we meet our collaborative learning goals. Sign-Ups are Now Open! DIRECTIONS FOR SIGNING UP: Signing up is simple via PowerSchool. Please view this short video for a tutorial. (LINK) If you have questions or need help signing up, please contact our Tech Director: [email protected] Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions? Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Photo Retakes and Frames! We are pleased to announce that the frames for this school year photos have arrived. Please double-check your photo package to see what size/quantity you ordered. The frames are available to collect at the Communications Office between 8.30-16.30. We would also like to ask everyone, who has not yet done so, to complete the survey and voice your opinion on the quality of this year school photos as well as the process in general. Finally, please be informed that an additional photo session for all new students or those who were absent during the September session is scheduled for Mon-Wed, March 26th-28th. (Questions? Please contact Agnieszka Swietliczko- Director of Communication: [email protected]) March 14, 2018 Principal’s Note Dear Parents,
With this hint of changing weather, we see changes in our students too. Everyone wants to be outside. Please help us move into the Spring by ensuring that your child is always actively supervised after school. Red Tag Walkers (Red Tags are given to students who live close by and have parent permission to walk/ride to school unsupervised) should not be playing outside, buying food, or hanging out in the cafeteria after school. The Red Tag means they are able to walk home- it is our expectation they do so, directly after the end of the last class. Additionally, if your child is heading off on a playdate and will be leaving with a Red Tag Walker please contact your child’s teacher or the ES office, giving us permission to allow your child to leave with a Red Form. This is the only way they will be allow off campus. Your partnership on this is vital. Thank you in advance! Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Friday, March 16- Spotlight On Assembly- Grade 1 (8:45 in the Theatre) Sunday, March 18- PTO Bingo! Friday, March 23- Spotlight On Assembly- Grade 3 (8:45 in the Theatre) Friday, April 6- Student-Led Conferences Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Student-Led Conferences- Friday, April 6th Please be sure to mark your calendars! The Elementary will host Student-Led Conferences on Friday, April 6th, and we will open sign-ups via Scholastico on March 21 at 9:00 AM. All parents and students are expected to attend their conference time. We will not have regular school on that day- although attendance at the scheduled conference (during the times you sign up for) is mandatory. Teachers (and students!) will not host Student-Led Conferences outside of this already- established day. **As I mentioned at Back to School night in August, parents are welcome to schedule other times to meet with teachers regarding their children. The conferences scheduled on the ES Calendar- when students are not attending a regular school day- require student and parent presence to ensure we meet our collaborative learning goals. More information will follow! Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! (Questions: Please email Dorota Buksowicz: [email protected]) Photo Retakes and Frames! We are pleased to announce that the frames for this school year photos have arrived. Please double-check your photo package to see what size/quantity you ordered. The frames are available to collect at the Communications Office between 8.30-16.30. We would also like to ask everyone, who has not yet done so, to complete the survey and voice your opinion on the quality of this year school photos as well as the process in general. Finally, please be informed that an additional photo session for all new students or those who were absent during the September session is scheduled for Mon-Wed, March 26th-28th. (Questions? Please contact Agnieszka Swietliczko- Director of Communication: [email protected]) February 28, 2018 Principal’s Note Dear Parents,
We are all so busy. Especially in the mornings. Thank you for contacting us when you children are absent. HOMEroom teachers and assistants are the “HOME base” for you and your child. Emailing them before 8:45 am when you child is out will ensure the ES Office does not need to call you to follow up. Hopefully students (and the adults who care for them) are soon on the mend. We are ready for warmer weather and healthier kids! Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn ASW Elementary Principal Coming Up: Monday, March. 5: Board of Trustees Meeting- 6-9PM MPR Calendar Questions? Please check the ASW Website Calendar for the most up-to-date postings each week! Substitutes Needed! Are you interested in substituting? We are looking for EU and Polish Citizens to substitute in the elementary school. Fluent English and a general interest in children and child-development is a must. If you are interested in working at school as a substitute teaching assistant, please review the requirements and submit an online application today! Important Reminder- Changes to a Student’s Routine It is important that we stay in contact with you regarding any changes to your child’s routines. Attendance: Before 8:30 AM, please email your child’s teacher and teaching assistant to let them know why you child is absent. Between 8:45-10:00 AM, please also add the ES Office on any communication to teachers. ([email protected]). If we do not hear from you, we will call to check in. After School Pick-Up: If you will have someone other than yourself (or your spouse or other school registered guardian) pick your child up from school, please send an email to the homeroom teacher, including the name and phone number of the person picking the child up. If the change in routine occurs during After School Activities, please email the homeroom teacher, your child’s ASA Sponsor, and our ASA Coordinators: Stephen Siddaway and Neil Riley: ( [email protected], [email protected] ) Parents Out of Town: If you leave Warsaw and your child will be staying with someone else, we need to know: Who your child will be with and the relation to the child? For how long? Phone numbers so we can reach this person in case of an emergency. Parent contact details while away. If you are out of town for any length of time, we will require documentation of legal guardianship. All information should be sent, in an email, to the homeroom teacher. We will not release a child into the care of another adult without written permission by the parents. Thank you for your understanding and support. (Questions: Please email Jen Munnerlyn: [email protected]) Photo Retakes and Frames! We are pleased to announce that the frames for this school year photos have arrived. Please double-check your photo package to see what size/quantity you ordered. The frames are available to collect at the Communications Office between 8.30-16.30. We would also like to ask everyone, who has not yet done so, to complete the survey and voice your opinion on the quality of this year school photos as well as the process in general. Finally, please be informed that an additional photo session for all new students or those who were absent during the September session is scheduled for Mon-Wed, March 26th-28th. (Questions? Please contact Agnieszka Swietliczko- Director of Communication: [email protected]) |
Classroom Blogs
Pre-Kindergarten Ms. Julien Ms. Sobocinska Kindergarten Ms. Stutz Ms. Lothamer Ms. Litz First Grade Ms. Taylor Ms. Lindsey Ms. Merritt Second Grade Ms. Ocaya Gamon Mr. Nonato Ms. Kraft Ms.Smith Third Grade Ms. Breault Ms. Banka Ms. Dunevant Ms. LaQuay Fourth Grade Mr. Benson Ms. Matusova Ms. Chestnut Ms. Martens Fifth Grade Mr. Avery Mr. Jordan Mr. Miller Ms. McGoldrick Specialists and Languages French/Polish Culture: Ms. Bar Ms. Harasimowska Ms. Grzegorowska Native Polish: Ms. Cechnicka-Polit Ms. Gozdecka Art: Ms. Jordan Ms. Sulek PE: Mr. Eleryk Mr. Kienhuis Music: Mr. Minasz Ms. Andrews Library: Ms. James Digital Learning : Mr. May Ms. Sheehan Learning Support: Ms. Nail Ms. Newnan Ms. Brewster Ms. Krohn EAL: Ms. Kusanovic Ms. Kluczek Ms. MacKenty Ms. Niesluchowska Ms. Griffin Enote Archives
June 2018