Dear Parents,
It has been a wonderful year for our staff and students. Thank you for entrusting us with your children! A few odds and ends... Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday. If you are leaving early, we will hold your report card until you return in August. Please note, all cafeteria fees must be paid before report cards will be released. If your child ordered a Yearbook, you can pick it up at the front reception (near the security station) beginning Tuesday, June 14 . A receipt is required. A final thank you... From the Elementary Staff, we wish you a safe and happy summer holiday. See you next year! Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Tuesday, June 14: Grade 5 Promotion- (3:45 in the Theatre) Wednesday, June 15: Last Day of School-
Goodbye to Leaving Teachers: Nancy Dickinson- Grade 1 Louise Horner- Grade 2 Evan Chong- Grade 5 Sarah Kemme- EAL Lynn Hammond- EAL Joan Anderson- Art Theresa Scimemi- Resource Tanya Charette- Assistant Principal Lost and Found Our elementary Lost & Found is located in the hallway by the main office. Please check the Lost & Found carefully this week. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to a local charity.
Elementary Field Day 2016: Best Day Ever!Dear Parents, I am a firm believer that you can never say “thank you” enough. This week I would like to say a special thank you to our wonderful Specialist teachers.
Each of these examples are happening in addition to the regular classroom and curricular work these professionals attend to. I think you will agree, thanks are in order. Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Wednesday, June 8: Grade 5 Concert (Theatre 1:30 PM) Friday, June 10: Final Student Council Assembly (Theatre 9:00 AM)
Wednesday, June 15: Last Day of School-
AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ATTENTION - Spring Season ended on Friday, May 27. We have only French and Student Council that continue and they both end this Wednesday, June 8. FRENCH - ends on June 8 STUDENT COUNCIL - ends on June 8 If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic:[email protected] Community News: Lost and Found Our elementary Lost & Found is located in the hallway by the main office. Please check the Lost & Found carefully this week. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to a local charity. PK students enjoying the whole-school surprise ice cream treat on Friday afternoon. Dear Parents, As the year comes to a close, please don’t forget to search through the lost and found at school. We have two large baskets full of items. All clothing not collected by June 15 will be boxed and donated to a local charity. Please stop by and have a look! A big thank you to all of our wonderful room parents who helped in countless ways this year. It was nice to see you and to say a personal thank you at the PTO coffee this morning. Finally, most of our After School Activities finished up last Friday. (See below for any make-ups.) I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Tanja Kusanovic for her tireless work on After School Activities. She will officially step down from this role after 14 years. Thank you Ms. Kusanovic! Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Wednesday, June 1: Kindergarten performance (9:00 AM)- Theater Thursday, June 2: PreK performance (9:00 AM) - Tower Thursday, June 2: Party for Pierogi Bowlers 3:30-4:30 Friday, June 3: Elementary Field Day Wednesday, June 8: Grade 5 Concert (1:30 PM) Friday, June 10: Final Student Council Assembly (9:00 AM)
Parent Partnership: Field Day Our ES Field day is planned for June 3! Please be sure to send your children in clothing ready for play (and possibly hot weather). All students need to wear a hat/cap, have a water bottle labeled with his/her name, suncream, and sports shoes. If you have any questions: Please contact the PE teachers: Mr. Eleryk: [email protected] or Mr. Kienhuis: [email protected] Technology News The Digital Technology Coaches have been working to provide digital citizenship curriculum to all students. From that they have created a vision for Digital Citizenship: ASW's Vision for Digital Citizenship is that technology is ubiquitous, seamless, and embedded in teaching and learning at ASW and students are guided to be critical, creative thinkers and leaders around their use and understanding of technology. AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ATTENTION - Spring Season ended on Friday, May 27. We still have one make-up as well as some yearlong activities which continue so please check below the specified ending schedule of those: 2/3 CHOIR, 4/5 CHOIR & ORF - all ended, a pizza party for the participants scheduled for today, Monday, May 30, after school ADVANCED AERIAL ACROBATICS - ends today, May 30 PIEROGI BOWL JUNIOR - ends tomorrow, May 31 PIEROGI BOWL - ends on June 2 with end of the year party FRENCH - ends on June 8 STUDENT COUNCIL - ends on June 8 If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] Party for Pierogi Bowlers Pierogi Bowl will be having it's end of the year party/celebration on the 2nd of June, Thursday from 3:30 until 4:30. What's going to happen at the party? 1. Giving of Awards to acknowledge students for their athletic skills and spirit. 2. Photos twill be taken of each team so students should wear their team shirts. 3. The highlight of the party will be having each team enjoy Pizza and ice cream together. 4. After eating they will have a short time to play their favorite game, Capture the flag. We have prepared for 40 students who have signed up to join the party. Thank you for having your child participate in our activity. The Pierogi Bowl Coaches, Marilyn Dypczynski Stephen Sidaway Noli Embradora Library end of year information Please return all library books by Friday, June 3. Summer check-out - June 8-14 For families who are returning to ASW next fall, students and parents may each check out 15 books. All books will be due the first week of school in August. Elementary students will be bringing home permission slips which need to be signed before summer check-out. June 14 - Last day for exit stamp for departing students and families. Community News: Yearbooks! Yearbooks will be ready to collect on June 14 and 15 at the main reception desk, across from security. A receipt must be presented to collect the book. Parents of elementary students will be given the yearbook once a receipt is presented. (Middle and High School students who present receipts will be given their yearbooks once all checkout procedures have been completed.) Questions? Please contact Mr. Miele ([email protected]) Educational Tools Drive for the Chechen Refugee Club We are gathering educational tools for Chechen Refugee Kindergarten and I wanted to ask if you could insert information about that into your e-notes this week? Here is the information: Chechen Refugee Club encourages you to participate in the Educational Tools Drive for the Kindergarten students from the Refugee Center in Linin If you would like to support refugee children from ASW's key partnership institution please consider donating the following items: - pens (colored ball pens), crayons, pencils, markers, erasers, scissors - coloring books, boxes for coloured pencils, drawing blocks, coloured paper - arts and crafts ornaments (stickers), any type of arts and crafts supplies - books for kindergarten children in Polish - educational board games for kindergarten kids (Lego blocks, Twister game) - thick coloured drawing chalk - klanza sheet - any type of sport equipment for kindergarten children including soccer balls, -badminton, jump ropes, Chinese jump ropes Students,parents and teachers may donate new, as well as gently used educational items. There will be plastic bins placed in the High School entrance near the elevator, near Ms. Ligita's office at the main entrance, and at the Elementary School entrance. The drive will be held until June 3rd. Please feel free to stop by and drop off your items to support the Kindergarten at the Chechen Refugee Center! Questions?: [email protected] Daddy/Daughter Dance ASW is hosting a spring Daddy/Daughter Dance! This is a special evening just for dads and their daughters to enjoy (dads may bring more than one daughter). There will be a DJ playing all your favorite songs. Light snacks and refreshments will also be served. Students from all grade levels are welcome and there is no cost to attend. When: Saturday, June 4; 6-9pm Where: ASW MPR in the new building Please RSVP to Katie Stein at [email protected] Final HIgh School Concerts June 1, 16:30 PM - String Ensemble & HS Guitar Class Recital in the New building Band room (downstairs). Free admission June 2. 2016 16:30 PM - Rock'n'Rota The ASW Theater. Tickets 20 PLN at the door. Chris Celinski MS & HS Music Parents enjoyed hearing original poems at the Grade 2 Poetry Evening last week.Dear Parents,
Thank you for attending my final ES Principal Meeting last week. Next year will bring positive changes to our school. Continued collaboration between the adults (parents and teachers) in our community will be essential. Of course, our focus now is ending the year on a healthy and positive note. As you can see, we have many activities and events listed under “Important Dates” in Enotes this week. We have a lot going on from now until June 15! Finally, it was a pleasure to see families at the PTO Spring Fair on Saturday. Our appreciation goes out to PTO who offer so much to our community and school. Thank you! Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Tuesday, May 24: Parent Tech Connection (8:45 - 9:45 AM in the Learning Center) Thursday, May 26: Holiday- NO School Friday, May 27: Spring Season of after-school activities ends Saturday, May 28: High School Graduation (Evening) Wednesday, June 1: Kindergarten performance (9:00 AM)- Tower Thursday, June 2: PreK performance (9:00 AM) - Tower Thursday, June 2: Party for Pierogi Bowlers 3:30-4:30 Friday, June 3: Elementary Field Day Wednesday, June 8: Grade 5 Concert (1:30 PM) Wednesday, June 15: Last Day of School- Dismissal at 11:30 Elementary Parent Partnership: 2016-2017 Elementary Class Placement Process: Class Placement is a multi-step process designed to ensure the development of balanced classes created to meet the needs of all students. Class Lists will initially be compiled without the assignment of specific classroom teacher names. Classroom teachers will not be able to place students in specific classrooms. The teachers are able to assist with issues related to separating students into different classes based on past student experiences. The process is designed to allow professional input of Resource Support, ELL, Classroom, Language, and Specials teachers and Teaching Assistants with a close eye on developing classes balanced in terms of gender, special student learning needs, English language development, nationality, learner traits, and relationships. Requests to place students in the classroom of a specific teacher will not be honored. Consideration will be given to requests from parents to not have their child placed in a specific classroom due to past personal experience. Personal experience would mean that another sibling in the same family was previously in the teacher’s classroom and the experience was not a positive one. If your family is in this situation, please write a personal email to Mrs. Munnerlyn ([email protected]) by Friday, May 27, 2016, noting the name of the teacher and the name of the child that was in the teacher’s classroom in the past. Please be assured that any communication will be handled in a confidential manner. Technology News: Parent Technology Connection - Sliding into Summer with Technology Tuesday, May 24 from 8:45 - 9:45 Please join Simon May and Kris Sheehan in the Learning Center as we explore and discuss strategies for working with your child to manage their summer technology time. In this session we will provide you with a sample family contract you can use as a guide to balance screen time as well as share some tips to help you better understand your child’s online activities. We will also show some fun apps you can use to capture your summer memories. We hope you will join us for our last PTC of the 2015-2016 school year! Field Day Our annual Field Day for Pre-K through Grade 5 students will be held on Friday, June 3rd (weather permitting). The morning activities for all students begin at 9:00 am and finish at 11:15. Grades: 3 - 4 - 5 will also have afternoon games starting at 12:45 and finishing 14:10. All students need the following items: A hat/cap, water bottle, suncream , sport shoes ( and proper clothing). Questions? Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] Field Day Lunch Bags To help make our fun day run smoothly, we ask that students either bring a bag lunch from home, or purchase the special bag lunch option from the cafeteria. Information about the cafeteria bag lunch was sent home with your child last week. Please return this form to your child’s teacher by May 27th. We appreciate your help as other food options will not be available for students on Field Day. AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ATTENTION - This week is the last week of the Spring Season of activities! The season ends on Friday, May 27. Although the season is ending, we still have a few make-ups as well as yearlong activities - please see below the specified ending schedule of those: 2/3 CHOIR, 4/5 CHOIR & ORF - ended last week (with a pizza party scheduled one day after school this week, more information to come from the music department) MATH OLYMPIAD - ended on May 19 ADVANCED AERIAL ACROBATICS - ends on May 30 PIEROGI BOWL JUNIOR - ends on May 31 PIEROGI BOWL - ends on June 2 FRENCH - ends on June 8 STUDENT COUNCIL - ends on June 8 If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] Party for Pierogi Bowlers Pierogi Bowl will be having it's end of the year party/celebration on the 2nd of June, Thursday from 3:30 until 4:30. What's going to happen at the party? 1. Giving of Awards to acknowledge students for their athletic skills and spirit. 2. Photos twill be taken of each team so students should wear their team shirts. 3. The highlight of the party will be having each team enjoy Pizza and ice cream together. 4. After eating they will have a short time to play their favorite game, Capture the flag. We have prepared for 40 students who have signed up to join the party. Thank you for having your child participate in our activity. The Pierogi Bowl Coaches, Marilyn Dypczynski Stephen Sidaway Noli Embradora Community News: Chechen Refugee Club encourages you to participate in the Educational Tools Drive for the Kindergarten students from the Refugee Center in Linin. If you would like to support refugee children from ASW's key partnership institution please consider donating the following items: - pens (colored ball pens), crayons, pencils, markers, erasers, scissors - coloring books, boxes for coloured pencils, drawing blocks, coloured paper - arts and crafts ornaments (stickers), any type of arts and crafts supplies - books for kindergarten children in Polish - educational board games for kindergarten kids (Lego blocks, Twister game) - thick coloured drawing chalk - klanza sheet - any type of sport equipment for kindergarten children including soccer balls, -badminton, jump ropes, Chinese jump ropes Students,parents and teachers may donate new, as well as gently used educational items. There will be plastic bins placed in the High School entrance near the elevator, near Ms. Ligita's office at the main entrance, and at the Elementary School entrance. The drive will be held until June 3rd. Please feel free to stop by and drop off your items to support the Kindergarten at the Chechen Refugee Center! Questions? Please contact Ligita Stawarz at: [email protected] Daddy/Daughter Dance ASW is hosting a spring Daddy/Daughter Dance! This is a special evening just for dads and their daughters to enjoy (dads may bring more than one daughter). There will be a DJ playing all your favorite songs. Light snacks and refreshments will also be served. Students from all grade levels are welcome and there is no cost to attend. When: Saturday, June 4; 6-9pm Where: ASW MPR in the new building Please RSVP to Katie Stein at [email protected] Final High School Concerts June 1, 16:30 PM - String Ensemble & HS Guitar Class Recital in the New building Band room (downstairs). Free admission June 2. 2016 16:30 PM - Rock'n'Rota The ASW Theater. Tickets 20 PLN at the door. Chris Celinski MS & HS Music Last week, Grade 3 students in 3 LaQuay (MacKenty) shared their love of reading by becoming a favorite character. Dear Parents, Thank you for attending my Parent Meeting this morning. We discussed many items including changes planned for next school year. (See below for a quick recap.) Reflecting on my work this year, I recognize a highlight is working with a positive parent community who want to find new ways to connect and collaborate. Your kids, are our kids. Together, we can make learning (and growing up) at ASW a positive experience for all students. Thank you for your support and trust this year. The school year wind down is always a very busy time. If you need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact the ES Office. We are here for you. Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Tuesday, May 17: Grades 2-5 Choir Concert (6:00 PM) Wednesday, May 18th: Grade 4 parent screening of puberty video (1:30-2:30) in Mr. Miller’s room E113 Saturday, May 21: PTO Spring Fair Tuesday, May 24: Parent Tech Connection (8:45 - 9:45 AM) Thursday, May 26: Holiday- NO School Friday, May 27: Spring Season of after-school activities ends Saturday, May 28: High School Graduation (Evening) Wednesday, June 1: Kindergarten performance (9:00 AM) Tower Thursday, June 2: PreK performance (9:00 AM) Tower Friday, June 3: Elementary Field Day June 4; 6-9pm: Daddy/Daughter Dance Wednesday, June 8: Grade 5 Concert (1:30 PM) Wednesday, June 15: Last Day of School- Dismissal at 11:30 Elementary Parent Partnership: Highlights from PYP Parent Meeting Looking Back, Looking Forward to 2016-17 Parent Partnership: Communication/Collaboration/Community Building
New/Transitioning Teachers 2016-17 Kindergarten: Bree Kraft- currently in Grade 1 Grade 3: Katherine Dunevant - American, Shanghai United International School EAL: Kelli Griffin- American, American Cooperative School Tunis Dagmara MacKenty- currently in Grade 3 Magda Kluczek- currently in Grade 1 Grade 1: Lindsey Arscott-Canadian, Canadian International School Singapore Grade 4: Charlotte Chestnut- Canadian, Canadian International School Beijing Heidi Laffay*- currently in Grade 2 and Ann-Marie Cetlinska* returning Grade 3 and 4 teacher (Co-teaching a Grade 4 class) Resource: Lindsay Brewster- American, Canadian International School Hong Kong Jessica Newnan- American, American Community School Abu Dhabi Erin Keane- (Speech and Language Pathologist) - American, Taipei American School Jamie Hamlin- (ES Counselor) currently in Grade 2 Grade 2: Michael Nonato- Canadian, International School of Tanganyika Nina Merritt- American, Colegio Nueva Granada International School Grade 5: Jeff Miller- currently in Grade 4 David Jordan- American, Poughkeepsie Day School Art: Jenn Jordan- American, Poughkeepsie Day School Curriculum Team: Part-time Literacy Coach: Heidi Laffay* Part-time Math Coach: Ann-Marie Cetlinska* PYP Coordinator: Miranda Rose- Canadian, currently consulting for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Map Testing- Grades 3, 4, 5 (This week) The reading and mathematics MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) testing for all students in Grades 3, 4, 5 will provide us with added information on where your child is in their understanding and skill development for reading and mathematics. It is a snapshot of student ability on one day at a particular time. The data is triangulated with other assessments teachers collect about student learning; then used to help us confirm or question the growth we are seeing in our own work with each child. We use the results to help us determine next steps for groups of students and for individual learners. Results will be sent home after the whole-school window closes later this month. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Carol Jordan, Director of Teaching and Learning, at [email protected] 2016-2017 Elementary Class Placement Process: Class Placement is a multi-step process designed to ensure the development of balanced classes created to meet the needs of all students. Class Lists will initially be compiled without the assignment of specific classroom teacher names. Classroom teachers will not be able to place students in specific classrooms. The teachers are able to assist with issues related to separating students into different classes based on past student experiences. The process is designed to allow professional input of Resource Support, ELL, Classroom, Language, and Specials teachers and Teaching Assistants with a close eye on developing classes balanced in terms of gender, special student learning needs, English language development, nationality, learner traits, and relationships. Requests to place students in the classroom of a specific teacher will not be honored. Consideration will be given to requests from parents to not have their child placed in a specific classroom due to past personal experience. Personal experience would mean that another sibling in the same family was previously in the teacher’s classroom and the experience was not a positive one. If your family is in this situation, please write a personal email to Mrs. Munnerlyn ([email protected]) by Friday, May 27, 2016, noting the name of the teacher and the name of the child that was in the teacher’s classroom in the past. Please be assured that any communication will be handled in a confidential manner. Parent Technology Connection - Sliding into Summer with Technology Tuesday, May 24 from 8:45 - 9:45 Please join Simon May and Kris Sheehan in the Learning Center as we explore and discuss strategies for working with your child to manage their summer technology time. In this session we will provide you with a sample family contract you can use as a guide to balance screen time as well as share some tips to help you better understand your child’s online activities. We will also show some fun apps you can use to capture your summer memories. We hope you will join us for our last PTC of the 2015-2016 school year! Field Day Our annual Field Day for Pre-K through Grade 5 students will be held on Friday, June 3rd (weather permitting). To help make our fun day run smoothly, we ask that students either bring a bag lunch from home, or purchase the special bag lunch option from the cafeteria. Information about the cafeteria bag lunch will be coming home with your child this week. Please return this form to your child’s teacher by May 27th. We appreciate your help as other food options will not be available for students on Field Day. AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ATTENTION - ADVANCED AERIAL ACROBATICS CLASS CANCELLED THIS MONDAY! Due to HS exams in AA002, Aerial Acrobatics class had to be cancelled on Monday, May 16. We were not able to move it to a different location since this activity requires special equipment installed in that room. We have 2 weeks of after-school activities left for this school year. Spring Season ends on Friday, May 27. After that time we will have a few make-ups and yearlong activities - specified ending schedule of those will be published later. PLEASE send an extra snack for your child on the days when he/she has an activity - students really DO NOT have time to go to the cafeteria! Also, please pick your child PROMPTLY at the end of the activity at 4:30! If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic:[email protected] Community News: PTO Spring Fair What a Cake Walk… at the PTO Spring Fair! Calling all bakers! The middle school student council will be running the cake walk event this Saturday, May 21 from 12:00-16:00 at the PTO Spring Fair and needs your help in baking/ making delicious cakes and other delectable treats. Please bring your baked goods to the area just in front of the new building. Thank you in advance for supporting the middle school student council! PTO Elementary Spring Chess Tournament- sponsored by Sebastian Soltysik (HS Student) Day: Saturday May 21st Location: Multipurpose Room (New Building) Time: 12- 2 pm Participants: 8 Elementary school children Format: Elimination (With seedings from 1-8) Games per person: 4 Length of Game: Max. 2 hours Please contact Sebastian directly if you are interested in playing chess! ([email protected]) ASW is hosting a spring Daddy/Daughter Dance! This is a special evening just for dads and their daughters to enjoy (dads may bring more than one daughter). There will be a DJ playing all your favorite songs. Light snacks and refreshments will also be served. Students from all grade levels are welcome and there is no cost to attend. When: Saturday, June 4; 6-9pm Where: ASW MPR in the new building Please RSVP to Katie Stein at [email protected] ASW Board of Trustees meeting date changed Please note that the date of the next Board of Trustees meeting was changed from May 16 to May 23, 2016 at 6pm in Room AA001 (Multipurpose Room). Dear Parents,
What a wonderful day we experienced on Friday. Elementary students participated in our ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) outdoor activity, keeping us all active and in the sunshine. Looking forward, I will be hosting a parent coffee on Monday, May 16th to provide information about next year's schedule, new teachers who will be joining our school, a plan for parent communication and meetings (which has PTO support), and a general overview of first proposed PYP units for all grades. The Board nominees will also be there to introduce themselves. I hope you can join me. Due to the High School IB exam schedule, we will be meeting in the teaching and learning center- TLC (A002) at 8:45. Finally, please note I’ve outlined the process we will continue to use in the Elementary School to determine student placement into new classes next year. I appreciate your support in following these guidelines. Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Monday, Wednesday, May 9-11: Grade 4 away at “Green School” May 11: Grade 1 concert (1:45 PM) Saturday, May 14: PTO Community Yard Sale (9:00-12:00 PM) Monday, May 16: Looking Forward (2016-17) PYP Parent Meeting with the ES Principal (8:45 AM) Tuesday, May 17: Grades 2-5 Choir Concert (6:00 PM) Saturday, May 21: PTO Spring Fair Thursday, May 26: Holiday- NO School Saturday, May 28: High School Graduation (Evening) Wednesday, June 1: Kindergarten performance (9:00 AM) Thursday, June 2: PreK performance (9:00 AM) (tower) Friday, June 3: Elementary Field Day Saturday, June 4: 6-9pm: Daddy/Daughter Dance Wednesday, June 8: Grade 5 Concert (1:30 PM) Wednesday, June 15: Last Day of School- Dismissal at 11:30 Elementary Parent Partnership: 2016-2017 Elementary Class Placement Process: Class Placement is a multi-step process designed to ensure the development of balanced classes created to meet the needs of all students. Class Lists will initially be compiled without the assignment of specific classroom teacher names. Classroom teachers will not be able to place students in specific classrooms. The teachers are able to assist with issues related to separating students into different classes based on past student experiences. The process is designed to allow professional input of Resource Support, ELL, Classroom, Language, and Specials teachers and Teaching Assistants with a close eye on developing classes balanced in terms of gender, special student learning needs, English language development, nationality, learner traits, and relationships. Requests to place students in the classroom of a specific teacher will not be honoured. Consideration will be given to requests from parents to not have their child placed in a specific classroom due to past personal experience. Personal experience would mean that another sibling in the same family was previously in the teacher’s classroom and the experience was not a positive one. If your family is in this situation, you will need to write a personal email to Mrs. Munnerlyn ([email protected]) noting the name of the teacher and the name of the child that was in the teacher’s classroom in the past by Friday, May 27, 2016. Please be assured that any communication will be handled in a confidential manner. AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ATTENTION - ACTIVITY CANCELLATIONS NEXT WEEK! Due to a number of teachers and assistants traveling as chaperones on the 4th grade Green School trip next week, quite a few activities will be cancelled. Please check this schedule: * AMERICAN FOOTBALL - cancelled on Monday, May 9 * COOKING AROUND THE WORLD - cancelled on Monday, May 9 AND Tuesday, May 10 * TABLE TENNIS - cancelled on Monday, May 9 * VLOGS - cancelled on Tuesday, May 10 PLEASE send an extra snack for your child on the days when he/she has an activity - students really DO NOT have time to go to the cafeteria! Also, please pick your child PROMPTLY at the end of the activity at 4:30! Please see below the list of activities which still have available spaces in case you wish to choose something else (up to the maximum of 2 seasonal activities per student): ACTIVITIES STILL AVAILABLE: MONDAY: American Football, grades 3-5 - 3 more spots! MONDAY: Painting Club, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Table Tennis, grades 4-5 MONDAY: Roots & Shoots, grades 1-5 TUESDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 1 last spot left! TUESDAY: Swimming, grades 1-3 - 1 spot became available TUESDAY: Tap Dance, grades 2-5 TUESDAY: Painting Is Fun, grades 1-2 - 4 more spots! THURSDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 3 last spots left! THURSDAY: Story Time, grades 1-3 FRIDAY: Latin Dance Moves, grades 4-5 You can sign up for these activities via e-mail to [email protected] If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic:[email protected] Community News: Daddy/Daughter Dance Save the date for ASW’s Daddy/Daughter Dance! This is a special evening just for dads and their daughters to enjoy. There will be a DJ playing all your favorite songs. Light snacks and refreshments will also be served. Students from all grade levels are welcome. When: Saturday, June 4; 6-9pm Where: ASW MPR in the new building For more information please contact Katie Stein at [email protected] School Performance Survey Today, all parents will be receiving an email requesting their participation in our School Performance Survey. We are conducting this survey in partnership with the Endicott Research Center (ERC). The survey should take no more than 30 minutes to complete and your participation is entirely voluntary. The purpose of the study is to assess your thoughts, perceptions and attitudes about the leadership, environment, climate, services and academics here at ASW. Results of the study will be presented to the ASW community and will be used to highlight our areas of strength as well as areas for improvement. One potential benefit of filling out this survey is that it offers expert, unbiased third party (ERC) analysis of the multiple factors affecting international schools. The survey will be open until May 15th. Thank you for completing this survey! ASW Board of Trustees meeting date changed Please note that the date of the next Board of Trustees meeting was changed from May 16 to May 23, 2016 at 6pm in Room AA001 (Multipurpose Room). Dear Parents,
Just before the holiday, we teachers and staff were showered with appreciation from the PTO during Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you for the flowers, the food, and the well wishes. It made our week very special. This Friday, please note students are welcome to wear their red Warrior T-shirts to help support the MS Girls’ Volleyball team in their efforts this weekend. We will also have our ACES activity on Friday at 9:30 AM. This is an annual event, sponsored by our PE Teachers: Mr. Kienhuis and Mr. Eleryk, with the goal of school-wide exercise. Finally, please remember all students must be actively supervised after school. Students who are unsupervised on the playground, in the cafeteria, or in the hallways, will be sent to the aftercare program and fees for that service will apply. Have a wonderful short week, Jen Important Dates: Friday, May 6: ACES (9:30 AM) Monday, Wednesday, May 9-11: Grade 4 away at “Green School” Saturday, May 14: PTO Community Yard Sale (9:00-12:00 PM) Monday, May 16: PYP Parent Meeting with the ES Principal A002 (8:45 AM) Tuesday, May 17: ES Choir Concert (6:00 PM) Saturday, May 21: PTO Spring Fair Thursday, May 26: Holiday- NO School Saturday, May 28: High School Graduation (Evening) Friday, June 3: Elementary Field Day Wednesday, June 15: Last Day of School- Dismissal at 11:30 Parent Partnership From the Elementary Counselor: We want ASW to be a safe and nurturing place for your child. Recently, the fourth and fifth grade students were given a survey to help us obtain data of how safe and secure our students feel at school. With this data we will have classroom lessons around bullying and conflict with peers, offering strategies to help them to resolve these issues appropriately. A strong emphasis is on maintaining a caring environment at ASW, ensuring that each student is treated with kindness and respect. We are encouraging students who witness unkind behaviors, to not be a bystander, but to stand up for one another. I encourage you to consult a free resource for parents called the Special Edition on Bullying at School and Online. This resource helps parents to take an active role in addressing bullying at school and online at Warmly, Karen Gentilini ES Counselor [email protected] ACES- From the ES PE Department Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously), is the signature program of the Youth Fitness Coalition, Inc. Project ACES was created by physical education teacher Len Saunders in 1989 as a method of motivating children to exercise. ACES take place in May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labelled as "the world's largest exercise class”. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world participate in ACES to promote proper health and fitness habits. ASW elementary students will participate on Friday, May 6th at 9:30. MUSIC CONCERT Grade 1 music concert, Wednesday, May 11 1:45pm in the theater. AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Dear Parents - we continue to have difficulties when students have to go to the cafeteria to get a snack before their activity. Cafeteria is VERY busy at this time of day and they always get back to the gym late, after their activity group has already gone. This creates anxiety for students as well as lot of logistical issues for the coordinator who needs to accompany the late students to different activities in different parts of the school. Therefore, PLEASE send an extra snack for your child on the days when he/she has an activity - students really DO NOT have time to go to the cafeteria! Also, please pick your child PROMPTLY at the end of the activity at 4:30! Please see below the list of activities which still have available spaces in case you your child is on a waiting list and you wish to choose something else (up to the maximum of 2 seasonal activities per student): ACTIVITIES STILL AVAILABLE: MONDAY: Cooking Around the World, grades 3-5 - 1 spot became available MONDAY: Chess Club, grades 3-5 - 1 spot became available MONDAY: American Football, grades 3-5 - 3 more spots! MONDAY: Painting Club, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Table Tennis, grades 4-5 MONDAY: Roots & Shoots, grades 1-5 TUESDAY: Swimming, grades 1-3 - 1 spot became available TUESDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 1 last spot left! TUESDAY: Tap Dance, grades 2-5 TUESDAY: Painting Is Fun, grades 1-2 - 4 more spots! THURSDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 3 last spots left! THURSDAY: Story Time, grades 1-3 FRIDAY: Latin Dance Moves, grades 4-5 You can sign up for these activities via e-mail to [email protected] If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] Dear Parents,
As we round the corner toward the end of this school year, it is a pleasure to see how much our student have grown and matured across the year. Our upcoming Spring Break (April 25-May 3) provides the children a chance to rest before the final few, busy weeks of school. When we return in May, there will be many events to end the year. Classroom teachers will continue to keep you posted on those specifics via their Teacher Weebly blogs. To help us all look forward to next year, I will be hosting a meeting to share more about our move toward the PYP (IB Primary Years Program) on Monday, May 16 at 8:45 AM. More detailed information will be provided in the next ENotes. I do hope you can join me. Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Tuesday, April 19th: PTO Staff Appreciation Lunch Wednesday, April 20th: Grade 3 Music Concert- ASW Theatre- 2:00 PM ASW Talks Event (for adults- in the evening)- ASW Theater 18:00 Thursday, April 21st:Grade 4 Music Concert - ASW Theatre- 2:30 PM Friday, April 22nd: Student Council Assembly- 2:00 - 3:00pm April 25- May 3 - Spring Break May 6 - ACES : 9:30-10:00 Parent Partnership AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Dear Parents - we continue to have difficulties when students have to go to the cafeteria to get a snack before their activity. Cafeteria is VERY busy at this time of day and they always get back to the gym late, after their activity group has already gone. This creates anxiety for students as well as lot of logistical issues for the coordinator who needs to accompany the late students to different activities in different parts of the school. Therefore, PLEASE send an extra snack for your child on the days when he/she has an activity - students really DO NOT have time to go to the cafeteria! Also, please pick your child PROMPTLY at the end of the activity at 4:30! Please note that we have added an activity on Thursdays: SNACK MAKING 2. This group was created for the students who were already on the waiting list. The club is presently full and we can not take new applicants. We have also extended the STORY TIME activity on Thursdays to grade 3 and we can take new applicants for it. Please see below the list of activities which still have available spaces in case you your child is on a waiting list and you wish to choose something else (up to the maximum of 2 seasonal activities per student): ACTIVITIES STILL AVAILABLE: MONDAY: Cooking Around the World, grades 3-5 - 1 spot became available MONDAY: American Football, grades 3-5 - 4 more spots! MONDAY: Painting Club, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Table Tennis, grades 4-5 MONDAY: Roots & Shoots, grades 1-5 TUESDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 2 last spots left! TUESDAY: Tap Dance, grades 2-5 TUESDAY: Vlogs, grades 4-5 - 3 more spots! TUESDAY: Painting Is Fun, grades 1-2 - 4 more spots! THURSDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 3 last spots left! THURSDAY: Story Time, grades 1-3 - NOTE: we have now opened this activity also to grade 3! FRIDAY: Latin Dance Moves, grades 4-5 You can sign up for these activities via e-mail to [email protected] If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] ACES- From the ES PE Department Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously), is the signature program of the Youth Fitness Coalition, Inc. Project ACES was created by physical education teacher Len Saunders in 1989 as a method of motivating children to exercise. ACES take place in May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labelled as "the world's largest exercise class”. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world participate in ACES to promote proper health and fitness habits. ASW elementary students will participate on Friday, May 5th at 9:30. Community News: ![]() Dear Parents, You might have noticed some changes happening to the Early Childhood playground nearest the car park. The work involves:
We believe in the importance of play at ASW. Creating vibrant, natural play spaces which encourage student inquiry, and allow for unstructured, physical development is something we hope to continue developing over the next several years. Warmly, Jen Important Dates: Tuesday, April 12: ES Parent Technology Connection Meeting in the Learning Center (8:45 AM) MS Play: “Bye Bye Birdie” Monday, April 11th 4:30 - 6:30 PM Tuesday, April 12th 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuesday, April 19th: PTO Staff Appreciation Lunch Wednesday, April 20th: Grade 3 Music Concert- ASW Theatre- 2:00 PM ASW Talks Event (for adults- in the evening) Thursday, April 21st:Grade 4 Music Concert - ASW Theatre- 2:30 PM Friday, April 22nd: Student Council Assembly- 2:00 - 3:00pm Spring Break: April 25- May 3 Parent Partnership Parent Technology Connection - Creating with iMovie Tuesday, April 12 from 8:45 - 10:00 AM Please join Simon May and Kris Sheehan in the Learning Center as we explore iMovie as a tool you can use to capture and share your special events. At the elementary school, our students use iMovie to document learning, share knowledge and reflect on experiences. In this session, we will learn how to add and edit video and images, add text, transitions, and sound to make a video you can share with friends and family. This would be a great way to document your upcoming spring or summer holidays! AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Dear Parents - we continue to have difficulties when students have to go to the cafeteria to get a snack before their activity. Cafeteria is VERY busy at this time of day and they always get back to the gym late, after their activity group has already gone. This creates lot of logistical issues for the coordinator who needs to accompany the late students to different activities in different parts of the school. Therefore, PLEASE send an extra snack for your child on the days when he/she has an activity - students really DO NOT have time to go to the cafeteria! Also, please pick your child PROMPTLY at the end of the activity at 4:30! Please see below the list of activities which still have available spaces in case you your child is on a waiting list and you wish to choose something else (up to the maximum of 2 seasonal activities per student): ACTIVITIES STILL AVAILABLE: MONDAY: American Football, grades 3-5 - 4 more spots! MONDAY: Painting Club, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Table Tennis, grades 4-5 MONDAY: Roots & Shoots, grades 1-5 TUESDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 2 last spots left! TUESDAY: Tap Dance, grades 2-5 TUESDAY: Vlogs, grades 4-5 - 4 more spots! TUESDAY: Painting Is Fun, grades 1-2 THURSDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K - 3 last spots left! THURSDAY: Story Time, grades 1-2 FRIDAY: Latin Dance Moves, grades 4-5 You can sign up for these activities via e-mail to [email protected] If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] Community News: Bye Bye Birdie Young Performer's Edition Book by Michael Stewart Music by Charles Strouse Lyrics by Lee Adams This year's performances of our middle school musical production, Bye Bye Birdie will take place TODAY Monday, April 11th at 4:30 and TOMORROW Tuesday April 12th at 6:00. You can buy your tickets in advance before and after school in front of the cafeteria. Tickets - 20 zloty. You don't want to miss this exciting and fun show! Bye Bye Birdie is one of the most entertaining and popular Broadway musicals of all time. The story takes place in New York City and Sweet Apple, Ohio in 1958 and tells the story of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the U.S. Army. The singer, Conrad Birdie, an Elvis Presley type, is beloved by teen girl fans all across the country. For one final publicity stunt Conrad's manager Albert and his faithful secretary Rose Alvarez make a plan for Birdie to sing a song and give a kiss to one lucky American teenager, Kim MacAfee on live television! This exciting and colorful production will be brought to life on stage through the incredible talents of 60 singing and dancing middle school students. Please come for some theatrical fun and to support the hard work of our middle school students and staff. Bye Bye Birdie ASW Middle School Production ![]() Dear Parents, I hope you and your family enjoyed the sunshine this weekend. What a wonderful way to begin April! Last week we welcomed our new PYP Coordinator Miranda Rose to ASW. She was able to present to our teachers and a large group of parents about the IB Primary Years Program which will launch next August with a planned two-year roll out. (Full authorization expected in June of 2018.) This pedagogical shift, resulting in a more inquiry-driven curriculum will result in many positive changes in our elementary school. At this time, we are working on staffing, scheduling, and facility plans to determine how many aspects of the PYP will materialize for our teachers and our learners. The work is complex. Once complete, we will share our vision for launching and growing into the PYP over the next several years. It is exciting to be on this journey with you and your children. Warmly, Jen Important Dates: April 4- Spring Activities Begin April 12 at 8:45 - ES Parent Technology Connection Meeting April 20 at 2:00pm - Grade 3 Music Concert- ASW Theatr April 21 at 2:30pm - Grade 4 Music Concert - ASW Theatre Parent Partnership Students Leaving Campus ES Gate Pass If there is a need for a student to leave campus before the end of the school day, a Green Pass from the Office will be issued to the parent or guardian who has been cleared to pick up the child. The security personnel at the exit gate, will not allow a child to leave unless this pass is provided. This procedure helps ensure safety protocols have been followed and that only authorized adults take children from the ASW campus. Permission to Leave Campus Some students who live close to school have parent and school permission to walk home at the end of the day. Those children have been issued a “red badge” from the ES office. If at the end of the day, a child is accompanying a “red badge” child home to play, we require parent permission be given. Parents can contact the teacher, or walk into the office to complete a “red pass” form. The red permission slip needs to be handed to the security guard when leaving school on that “play date” day. Parent Technology Connection - Creating with iMovie Tuesday, April 12 from 8:45 - 10:00 Please join Simon May and Kris Sheehan as we explore iMovie as a tool you can use to capture and share your special events. At the elementary school, our students use iMovie to document learning, share knowledge and reflect on experiences. In this session, we will learn how to add and edit video and images, add text, transitions, and sound to make a video you can share with friends and family. This would be a great way to document your upcoming spring or summer holidays! Upcoming Library Event Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger, Performance Poets High energy performance poets, Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger, will be performing for all grade levels at ASW the week of April 4-8. Parents are welcome to attend any of the following performances on April 4 in the Theater: 8:30-9:30 MS 10:00-11:00 HS 2:15-3:15 ES AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES SPRING SEASON STARTING TODAY, April 4! The results of the application process were sent to parents at the end of school day on Friday, April 1, via e-mail from the Activities Office. Please send an extra snack for your child on the days when he/she has an activity - students DO NOT have time to go to the cafeteria! Also, please pick your child PROMPTLY at the end of the activity at 4:30! Please be reminded that in situations when we can not accept all interested students, we do a lottery draw to select participants. If your child is on a waiting list for some of his/her activities, please see below the list of activities which still have available spaces in case you wish to choose something else. STILL AVAILABLE ACTIVITIES: MONDAY: American Football, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Basketball, grades 4-5 MONDAY: Cooking Around World, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Painting Club, grades 3-5 MONDAY: Table Tennis, grades 4-5 MONDAY: Roots & Shoots, grades 1-5 TUESDAY: Swimming, grades 1-3 TUESDAY: Tap Dance, grades 2-5 TUESDAY: Vlogs, grades 4-5 TUESDAY: Painting Is Fun, grades 1-2 THURSDAY: Kinder Club, grades PK-K THURSDAY: Story Time, grades 1-2 FRIDAY: Latin Dance Moves, grades 4-5 You can sign up for these activities via e-mail to [email protected] If you have questions about Elementary After-School Activities please e-mail the coordinator Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] Community News: ASW Middle School Theatre Presents Bye Bye Birdie Young Performer's Edition Book by Michael Stewart Music by Charles Strouse Lyrics by Lee Adams Bye Bye Birdie, An ASW Middle School Production This year's ASW Middle School production of Bye Bye Birdie is coming to our stage Monday, April 11th at 4:30 and Tuesday April 12th at 6:00. Bye Bye Birdie is one of the most entertaining and popular Broadway musicals of all time. The story takes place in New York City and Sweet Apple, Ohio in 1958 and tells the story of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the U.S. Army. The singer, Conrad Birdie, an Elvis Presley type, is beloved by teen girl fans all across the country. For one final publicity stunt Conrad's manager Albert and his faithful secretary Rose Alvarez make a plan for Birdie to sing a song and give a kiss to one lucky American teenager, Kim MacAfee on live television! This exciting and colorful production will be brought to life on stage through the incredible talents of 60 singing and dancing middle school students. Please come for some theatrical fun and to support the hard work of our middle school students and staff. Bye Bye Birdie ASW Middle School Production Monday, April 11th 4:30 - 6:30 Tuesday, April 12th 6:00 - 8:00 Tickets - 20 zloty Tickets will be on sale throughout the day in front of the ASW cafeteria beginning Monday, April 4th and continuing through Friday, April 8th. These shows are sure to sell out, so buy your tickets in advance! All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit kids from the Dom Dziecka nr. 4 orphanage. The money raised will be used to send 14 kids, ages 5 to 18 to summer camp. Popcorn Sale Please mark your calendars for Friday, April 8th! The Middle School German classes will be selling popcorn all day outside the cafeteria to raise money for their upcoming field trip to Berlin. 1 box = 3 PLN, 2 boxes = 5 PLN 1st Annual ASW Chess Tournament ASW is very proud and excited to announce that we will host the 1st annual ASW Chess Tournament on April 8 to 9. This endeavor represents a rich integration of the Polish schools' community with the ASW community and commemorates the 90th anniversary of the esteemed Polish Chess Federation. Following the success of the HS Chess Club, which meets every Wednesday in Matt Popovich’s classroom, members of the club, in particular grade 11 student Sebastian Soltysik, forged a relationship with the Polish Chess Federation and Polish Grandmaster Agnieszka Brustman to organize a tournament which will showcase the best and brightest high school players from ASW and around the region. This tournament promises to be one of the more unique and exciting events ASW’s community has ever seen, and we cordially and enthusiastically invite everyone to attend. In the meantime, if you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact Tournament Director Sebastian Soltysik at [email protected] or Stephen Sidaway at [email protected] |
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June 2016
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