![]() Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed the four-day weekend. It was a the perfect way to get ready for busy December school schedule. If you will be traveling on winter break early, please let your child’s teacher and the Elementary Office know. The PTO did a wonderful job with the Book Fair. I had several conversations with young readers about their *new* books. Parents, I hope you found some holiday gifts in there too. A big thank you to the PK and K parents who helped make the Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday a wonderful event. My belly and my heart was so full. Have a wonderful week! Warmly, Jen Parent Partnership- Please help us ensure we can begin our classes right away each morning! Teachers and children are trying to begin the learning day on schedule and with consistency. Parents will greatly help us if they do not enter the classroom or wait in hallways after school starts at 8:30. Between 8:30-10:00 parents are welcome in the cafeteria. Similarly, if you are supporting in a classroom during the day, please sign in with security at the front entrance. This is an important safety measure as it allows us to know who is on campus and in which room. Thank you! Lost Items It is that time of year when the lost and found is full of coats, hats, scarves and other lost items. Please take a minute to go through the lost and found to collect your child's clothing. Additionally, please help us ensure student belongings are safe at school by monitoring what your child brings. Phones and other electronics, money or expensive toys should not be brought to school or stored in lockers. Thank you for your support. Important Dates to Note: November 30: Board Meeting- 16:00 MPR December 3: ES PAC Meeting- 8:45-10:00 (Shared meeting between Mrs. Munnerlyn and Tech Coaches) December 2- 4: Ginny Rojas (ELL Consultant) is on campus working with teachers and administrators December 7-11: Hour of Code "week" (students across the school will particpate in coding activities with our Tech Coaches) December 11: ASW Holiday Bazaar December 15: Elementary Choirs and Orff Ensemble Holiday Concert- 18:00 in the Theatre December 16: Pre-Kindergarten Holiday Singing- 9:00am, ES Tower December 17: ES SC Holiday in Assembly in the theater 2:15-3:00 December 18: All School SC Holiday Assembly 2:15-3:00 --- TECH NEWS! On Thursday, December 3, immediately following the Elementary PAC meeting, please join Simon May and Kris Sheehan, our ES Technology Coaches, for another Parent-Technology Connection (PTC) session. We will begin by sharing useful websites for finding and reviewing educational iPad apps. Then, we will guide you through strategies for using and organising your Gmail. You will learn about organizing your email into different viewing options, archiving emails, using labeling as a way to more easily sort your email, adding signatures and any other topics that we have time for during this hour. We will have a number of laptops we can share, but please bring your own if you have one. This session will be most helpful if you have your own gmail account, but we have created practice accounts for those who are not currently using gmail. We are looking forward to seeing you all! ES/MS/HS Parent-Technology Partnership Meeting Experience an "Hour of Code" . . . for parents! Thursday December 10th 10:15-11:30 in the MPR Do you like solving puzzles? Do you know what all the talk about "coding" and "computational thinking" is all about? The week of December 7th is Computer Science Education Week, and ASW will be helping to raise awareness of the “coding movement” through providing students of all ages opportunities to engage with the third annual Hour of Code. Come and experience an "Hour of Code" . . . for parents! Give yourself a mental workout, get a better understanding of the attraction of the gaming/making/programming worlds, and join the worldwide movement to expose our students to coding. You do not need to be a computer expert or technically inclined to participate. The computational thinking movement is aimed at introducing coding as early as the lower elementary grades. Come with your laptop, tablet or even an iPad to the MPR on Thursday December 10th from 10:15-11:30 and get your first taste of coding! If you don’t have a device, we will have a limited number of devices for you to use. If you are already planning on attending the PTO meeting, then plan to stay and do some coding right afterwards. If you have questions please contact: Kris Sheehan or Simon May- ES Tech Coaches [email protected] [email protected] --- ES After School Activities NEWS: Winter Season starts on January 18, 2016. Year-Long Activities are still in session: FRENCH, 3-5 Drama Production Skills, Pierogi Bowl Junior and Pierogi Bowl, Math Olympiad, Choirs, Orf Ensemble and Student Council Community News! Holiday Bazaar The annual ASW Holiday Bazaar will be held on December 11th. There will be vendors selling “Boleslawiec” Polish pottery, Polish crafts, jewellery, small gifts, and holiday ornaments. Several students groups will present various charity sales. All proceeds from table fees (vendors) will be donated to the Warsaw Hospice for Children. The ES students will have an opportunity to visit the tables during the school day and to shop for gifts. We hope you will enjoy the variety of products and start this holiday season in a cheerful and friendly atmosphere of the ASW Holiday Bazaar. Career Fair: ASW High School The ASW High School is actively recruiting for this year’s Career Fair slated for Wednesday, February 17th, 2016. The purpose of this event is to offer valuable insights for students interested in possible career paths. To accomplish our goal of providing a diverse and rich experience, volunteers are need from our community. If you believe you are currently working or previously worked in a career which might be of interest to students, then we encourage you to register and become a presenter. Expectations of Career Fair presenters: Be available on the morning of Wednesday, February 17th. Most presenters will speak to students for either one or two sessions. There are four 40-min. sessions: 8:40 am to 9:20 am 9:30 am to 10:10 am 10:20 am to 11 am 11:10 am to 11:50 amFor each session, presenters provide, but limited to, the following:
If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact the following: Pietro Gerosa, Career Fair Planning Committee: [email protected] Mobile: 515 045 835 High School Counselors: Tim Munnerlyn: [email protected] Kristy Raggio: [email protected] Thank you for any and all support you can provide for this important event. PTO Weekly News! Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) ENotes LINK http://www.aswarsaw.org/community/parents/pto-enotes/index.aspx Dear Parents,
This is a short week for us with the American Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday. I do hope you enjoy some time with your family remembering all that we have to be thankful for. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I will begin sending out the ENotes in a slightly different format next week: November 30. Instead of a list, you will receive a link to the new ES Office Blog which will contain the same information, in a more useful (for us) format. You can already access the blog. (http://aswarsawelementary.weebly.com/welcome/enotes-november-23-2015) Please join me and the ES Tech Team for a joint- ES PAC meeting on Thursday, December 3. One of the topics I want to more fully explore with you is communication in the elementary school. We will meet in the TLC near the security desk and across from TJ’s office. Happy Thanksgiving! Jen From the ES Tech Coaches On Thursday, December 3, immediately following the Elementary PAC meeting, please join Simon May and Kris Sheehan, our ES Technology Coaches, for another Parent-Technology Connection (PTC) session. We will begin by sharing useful websites for finding and reviewing educational iPad apps. Then, we will guide you through strategies for using and organising your Gmail. You will learn about organizing your email into different viewing options, archiving emails, using labeling as a way to more easily sort your email, adding signatures and any other topics that we have time for during this hour. We will have a number of laptops we can share, but please bring your own if you have one. This session will be most helpful if you have your own gmail account, but we have created practice accounts for those who are not currently using gmail. We are looking forward to seeing you all! AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Fall Season of after-school activities has ended. The only exception is Acrobatics class which will end today. Please follow the weekly activities updates, which are shared here in the Principal’s e-notes every Monday. Also, you can check the glass case display at the Elementary School entry for information on activities. Winter Season is in the process of being organized and you will receive the information about the new offer before the holiday break. Winter Season starts on January 18, 2016. ACTIVITIES HAPPENING THIS WEEK: MONDAY: · ACROBATICS – ends today, November 23 · FRENCH - continues as yearlong activity TUESDAY: · 3-5 DRAMA PRODUCTION SKILLS - continues as yearlong activity until the performance on February 15 · PIEROGI BOWL JUNIOR - continues as yearlong activity WEDNESDAY: · FRENCH - continues as yearlong activity THURSDAY: · MATH OLYMPIAD - continues as yearlong activity · PIEROGI BOWL - continues as yearlong activity FRIDAY: · 3-5 DRAMA PRODUCTION SKILLS - continues as yearlong activity until the performance on February 15 · FRENCH - continues as yearlong activity The choirs, Orf Ensemble, and Student Council also continue as yearlong activities according to the schedule. I have received questions about Drama Production Skills for grades 1 & 2 - CLARIFICATION: Drama 1-2 ended, but the same participants will continue in January with the start of the Winter Season. When we restart and until the performance in February, there will be 2 rehearsals a week. The rehearsal days will be confirmed when the Winter Season offer comes out. If you have other questions regarding ES school-sponsored after-school activities program please contact Ms. Kusanovic at: [email protected] Important Upcoming Dates: November 24-25 PTO Book Fair November 26-27 Thanksgiving Holiday- No School December 3 ES PAC Meeting- 8:45-10:00 (Shared meeting between Mrs. Munnerlyn and Tech Coaches) Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) ENotes LINK http://www.aswarsaw.org/community/parents/pto-enotes/index.aspx Dear Parents,
Watching the tragedy in Paris unfold over the weekend was unsettling. After many years in our international community, I realize the events might directly touch the lives of some, but certainly cause concern for many of us. Please know that the school is here to help you and your family if the need arises. In fact, it is important to note that young children might be frightened or confused by what they see on TV or overhear adults discussing. Karen Gentilini, our ES Counselor has provided this link to help parents speak with their children about the events. Today and across this week, teachers and other adults on campus will be aware of any child who seems especially concerned. If you believe that your child is feeling afraid, please let your child’s teacher and Ms. Gentilini ([email protected]) know. We are all here to help. Jen ---- AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES - FALL SEASON HAS ENDED! Last Friday, November 13, was the last day of the Fall Season of after-school activities. This week we continue with the yearlong activities as well as with those activities that had cancellations which will now be made up. Please follow the activities ending schedule which is shared here in the Principal’s e-notes. Also, you can check the glass case display at the Elementary School entry for information about which activities still continue. Soon we will start the process of organising Winter Season and you will receive all the information about it before the Holiday Break. ACTIVITIES HAPPENING THIS WEEK: MONDAY:
There was some confusion whether Kinder Club is a yearlong activity - CLARIFICATION: Kinder Club is a seasonal activity, it ended last week and there will be new sign-ups for the new season. If you have questions regarding elementary school-sponsored activities information please contact Ms. Kusanovic: [email protected] FROM THE TECH COACHES- Parent Technology Connection We really enjoyed connecting with parents at our first Parent Technology Connection (PTC) meeting on Tuesday, November 10th. In this meeting, we started by sharing the tools our students use at the elementary school. Then, parents brainstormed and discussed what their children have learned and what they would like their children to learn regarding technology. Parents also discussed what topics and tools they would like to learn more about this year so that we can better plan for our future meetings. We then looked at how to set up and share a Google Doc and had time to practice so that we can better understand how to use this tool in our busy lives. Please mark your calendars so you can attend our future PTC meetings this school year. All meetings are from 8:45 to 9:45. Thursday, December 3, 2015 Thursday, February 4, 2016 Tuesday, March 8, 2016 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Tuesday, May 24, 2016 From the School Nurse- Allergy Support Group Please join our school nurse Marilyn Dypczynski and school parent Brenda Nicely for our monthly Allergy Support Group meeting. This month we will talk about online resources useful for navigating living overseas with allergies. We will meet on Thursday, 19 November, at 9:30 in the ASW cafeteria. Important Upcoming Dates: November 16-19 CIS/NEASC Accreditation Visitors on campus November 24-25 PTO Book Fair November 26-27 Thanksgiving Holiday- No School December 3 ES PAC Meeting Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) ENotes LINK http://www.aswarsaw.org/community/parents/pto-enotes/index.aspx November 9, 201
Dear parents, Last week my family hosted two young men from Budapest who were part of the high school soccer team. One of the boys mentioned to me that he thought our school spirit was impressive. In fact, he said the red shirts worn by everyone, even the little kids was “awesome.” It was a proud week at ASW! Enjoy the holiday on Wednesday. (No School- November 11) Warmly, Jen Change in ES Office Personnel Starting Nov. 9, Anna Krawczyk, our Office Manager Assistant will begin her new position working in the Resource Department. We will miss her, but celebrate her new role. The ES welcomes Zuzanna Czerwoniak, who will take Anna’s place in the office. To report student’s absence or any other issue please use the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ---- First Parent-Technology Connection - Overview of Technology at ASW ES On Tuesday, November 10th at 8:45 in the Multipurpose Room, please join the elementary school technology coaches, Simon May and Kris Sheehan, for our first ES Parent-Technology Connection (PTC) session. We will start with an overview of the elementary school educational technology program through the grade levels. Then, we will guide you through the Google Apps for Education tools we use at ASW with our students. During this session we will focus on Google Docs and how you can create and share a document for collaboration. We look forward to connecting with all of you! AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES- end of season November 13! This is the last regular week of the Fall Season of after-school activities. Next week we will continue with the yearlong activities as well as with those activities that had cancellations which will now be made up. Please follow the activities ending schedule which is shared here in the Principal’s e-notes. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THIS WEEK:
November 11- Holiday- No School November 16-19- CIS/NEASC Accreditation Visitors on campus November 24-25- PTO Book Fair November 26-27- Thanksgiving Holiday- No School December 3- ES PAC Meeting Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Our Enotes is an effective way to communicate with parents, teachers and staff each week. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will announce their upcoming events each Monday on ASWs website, the ES and MS/HS will add the link to the bottom of their Enotes. This will shorten the Enotes parents receive from the ES and MS/HS. Last week the MS/HS Enotes was too long, therefore, PTO had their own Enotes and the positive praises from the community was amazing. With the fantastic help of marketing and communications, the PTO will have their own spot on ASWs website for "Monday Memos." http://www.aswarsaw.org/community/parents/pto-enotes/index.aspx There is a need for the PTO Enotes, it is accessible, predictable way to communicate with the community. It gives the opportunity to communicate key messages about the PTO, a helpful and important aspect of the school community. The Enotes along with the E-newsletter improves communication, increases awareness about school events and activities, and engages more parents. The communication creates a sense of community and pride in the school. Each week the parents will have a "Monday Memo" from the PTO with the upcoming events for the week and months listed. The purpose of the PTO is to promote the mission of ASW, we want to foster a cooperation between parents, teachers, staff and students. We assist in uniting school and community efforts in supporting the best education and community for ASW students. Kind Regards, Jennifer Sturgeon Message from the Principal - Jen Munnerlyn
Halloween was a happy, festive time for our youngsters last week. Thank you parents for helping us make sure the emphasis was on fun: dressing-up, pretending, being amazed by others creativity. Please note I am out of the office most of this week on a school visit to Hong Kong. For that reason, the pre-schedule ES PAC meeting on November 5 has been cancelled. Warmly, Jen ---- Important Dates This Week: Friday, Nov 6 - ASW All School Spirit Day! This Thursday through Saturday the HS will be hosting the CEESA Varsity Boys Soccer Tournament here on campus. Students and staff are asked to wear red & black on Friday to support our Warsaw Warriors through an all school Spirit Day. From the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC): ASW is preparing for its re-accreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Council of International Schools (CIS). The first step in the process is for the two agencies to visit ASW and to assess our school's readiness to embark on the self-study, which will then lead to our re-accreditation. Representatives from each of the agencies will visit ASW November 16-19 to review our preparation and explain the process. Dance Program Survey We are working on introducing a new dance program here at ASW: at present, as an after school activity with a future goal to expand into the curriculum. To move forward, we would like to survey parents to find out what experience their children had in dancing and what dance program will best serve their needs. Please complete the survey by clicking on this link: https://docs.google.com/a/aswarsaw.org/forms/d/1F2JxcK60iklK0PX1Xil2oX_1tt3Fn93TX3dQbiv0YfM/viewform Questions? Please contact Ligita Stawarz, Service Learning Director From the ES Tech Coaches First Parent-Technology Connection - Overview of Technology at ASW ES On Tuesday, November 10th at 8:45 in the Multipurpose Room, please join the elementary school technology coaches, Simon May and Kris Sheehan, for our first ES Parent-Technology Connection (PTC) session. We will start with an overview of the elementary school educational technology program through the grade levels. Then, we will guide you through the Google Apps for Education tools we use at ASW with our students. During this session we will focus on Google Docs and how you can create and share a document for collaboration. We look forward to connecting with all of you! AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES We are in the last two weeks of after-school activities. Fall Season ends on November 13. After that, only the yearlong activities will continue - if you’re not sure which ones are yearlong activities please check the glass display board at the elementary entrance (on the left side). Important Upcoming Dates: November 11 Holiday- No School November 26-27 Holiday- No School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) PTO Coffee Morning The next coffee morning will be November 12, topic will be focus on “Local Charities” starting at 8:45 am in the MPR and light refreshments will be served. PTO BOOK FAIR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th and WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th Mark your calendars, it’s that time of the year again, the PTO Book Fair! This is your chance to stock up on winter reading for yourself and your children. It is also the occasion to buy holiday reading presents for your kids! All elementary students will have a chance to attend the Book Fair with their classes. We will have over 1,000 Scholastic books and over 1,700 titles from Abe-Ips. We will also have a wide variety of books available including picture books, easy readers, fiction, non-fiction, and popular series. Children’s books range in the price from 10 PLN to 50 PLN (with many books priced between 13 PLN and 20 PLN). Volunteers will be on hand to help the children choose books and figure out money. If you want your child to purchase books, please send money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it to school with your child on the morning of Tuesday, November 24. You can also shop at the Book Fair with your child before or after school (or by yourself anytime throughout the Book Fair.) We can only run this PTO event to support our library with the help from parent volunteers.We need 5 volunteers to help with set up on Monday, November 23 from 1pm to 3 pm (meeting at the MS entrance). We would be thankful for an hour or two of your time. We also need volunteers on Tuesday and Wednesday during the Book Fair hours. We will start each day at 8am before school and will sell until 4 pm. The volunteer time slots are: 8am to 10am; 10am to 12pm; 12pm to 2pm and 2pm to 4pm, so please get a friend and sign up together for a time slot. Sign-up sheets are located outside the PTO Store. The profits from the Book Fair will go straight to the ASW library. Your Book Fair coordinator, Monika Nowak [email protected] The English Language Conversation Group is a free class for ASW parents that meet on Mondays 8:45 to 10:15 and Wednesdays 8:45 to 9:45. Please join us for coffee, conversation, and fun! The focus is on what you need from a native speaker to become more fluent. Discussions include some of the nuances of the English language such as idioms, slang, and colloquial expressions not usually covered in a typical language class. Mondays are a more structured classroom environment, while Wednesdays are more relaxed with coffee and conversation. On Mondays, based on the lesson plan, the large group is broken down into smaller groups for more dedicated and tailored instruction. Feel free to bring any publications, school announcements or real life examples that you need help with. Attendance to all the classes is not mandatory but encouraged to benefit the most from understanding the language. If you are interested in enrolling in the free class, then please contact the group at [email protected] This month, the class schedule is: Mondays 8:45 - 10:15 am in the MPR Wednesdays 8:45 - 9:45 am in the cafeteria We are looking for native English speaking volunteers to help lead the group. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at [email protected] Polish Conversation Polish conversation group and lessons are offered this year! The PTO is sponsoring a new class for the parents FREE of charge: "Introduction to Polish language and culture" group on Fridays at 9:30 am with Izabela Górnicka-Zdziech, who is an experienced Polish teacher and writer. Meetings just started last Friday and were a big success! By joining, you will learn how to pronounce and say Polish words, and you will be able to practice the most popular phrases and sentences. You will learn about Polish traditions and culture. Izabela Sign-up sheets for the classes are outside the PTO store by the cafeteria. Polish your Polish! Women’s Fit Club Trim, tone and shape your entire body for women of all ages, body types and fitness levels. Open to all parents, teachers and staff for FREE! Come join the ASW women’s Fit Club. We will meet Thursdays at 3:45pm until 4:30 pm. You will learn state of the art exercise techniques that boost fat burning without long cardio session. The class will consist of warm-up exercises followed by techniques that will be used during our workout session. We will be using functional full body movements to maximize and enhance your strength, stability, balance and agility. Location is weather permitting and will be determined prior. Weekly emails will be sent to notify where we are meeting. To sign up and for more information, please e-mail Jennifer Barron at [email protected]. For the whole ASW community: Keep track of your 250 kilometer walk/run log and email totals to Jennifer Sturgeon at [email protected] |
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