Principal’s Note:
Dear parents, Teacher Appreciation Day at ASW is an amazing event. The flowers, the heartfelt sentiments from students, and the amazing food provided by our parents… it really is one of my favorite days! Thank you for making us feel truly appreciated. This short week- promises to be busy! I hope to see you at Family Reading Night on Thursday! Warmly, Jen Munnerlyn [email protected] Important Upcoming Dates to Note: (more detailed information below)
ASW Board of Trustees Election Dear ASW Parents and Guardians, We are pleased to remind you that three ASW community members presented themselves as candidates for the 2017-2018 Board of Trustees election. The first Meet the Candidates session took place last week. You are warmly invited to attend the second meeting on Thursday April 20, at 5:30pm in the Multipurpose Room (Arts and Athletics Building) right before the ES Family Reading Night. At this meeting, you will be given the opportunity not only to listen to the three BoT candidates’ perspectives on the current school climate, but also to ask them questions about their vision for ASW in the future. The electronic voting for ASW’s Board of Trustees will open on Friday April 21. Board of Trustees HPAC (Homeroom Parent Advisory Council) Meeting - Cancelled (Wednesday, April 19) Due to a consultant on campus, Jen is unable to host this meeting. Homeroom parents, please be on the lookout for an email regarding our test of the new Parent Conference Sign-Up System “Scholastico” tomorrow. Questions? Please email ES Principal: Jen Munnerlyn ([email protected]) Grade 5 Transition Meeting for Parents- Wednesday, April 26 8:45 in the MPR All Grade 5 parents are invited to attend the “Grade 5 Transition to MS and the MYP Meeting”. The MS team will share with parents what MS will be like for your children, how the process begins this spring, and offer a change for questions if you have them. If you can’t make it, information will be sent home the following day via Grade 5 Homeroom teachers. This is a joint effort! Please see Ms. McGuire MS Vice Principal ([email protected]) or Mrs. Munnerlyn ([email protected]) if you have any questions. Library Notes Family Reading Night - April 20, 18:00 - 19:30 Join us for a cozy evening of stories and activities! Family Reading Night is a wonderful way to connect as a community around the importance of reading to our children, talking about books, and spending good time together. Who: All ES students and parents. Students are welcome to wear pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed animal or blanket. Where: Opening session and light refreshments will take place in the Atrium of the "new" building, followed by sessions in the Library and classrooms. RSVP: Please sign up on this short online form or on the sign-up sheet in the Library. Questions: Please e-mail ES Librarian, Miriam James ([email protected]) or Literacy Coach, Heidi Laffay ([email protected]). From the ES Music Department- CHANGE OF DATE The 3rd and 4th Grade Students are happy to invite their parents, families and friends to their music concert. Please join us on Thursday, June 8th at 9:00am in the ASW Theatre to see your children sing, play instruments and dance. Student concert clothing: white top with dark bottom. Questions? Please email Mr. Minasz our music teacher ([email protected]) A Note from the ES Art Studios Every year in art your students build and create with numerous found objects and recyclable materials. They love building and designing so much we have almost gone through our entire collection of supplies. We need to rebuild our stock for the remaining school year (and beyond) and NEED YOUR HELP!! We regularly collect the following materials:
Collection boxes for these materials can be found in the ES foyer next to the lost and found and outside of Studio 47 room E 147 on the first floor. Thank you in advance for your support and donations! (Questions? Contact Jenn Jordan- ES Art Teacher: [email protected]) Yearbook Photos Due to a fast approaching deadline, replacement photos for yearbook portraits will no longer be accepted. However, if you are a student or you are a parent of a student who has not taken a photo with the school photographer nor have one from last year, please submit the photo as soon as possible to Mr. Stephen Miele: [email protected]. Call for Makers- ASW’S FIRST MAKER FAIRE!- April 27, 2017 Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, scientists, authors, artists, students, and community makers. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show what they have made and to share what they have learned. Click HERE for more information. We invite you to set up a station at the Maker Faire to showcase your unique creative skills and demonstrate to small groups of students how to do it themselves. Please spread the word and sign up here: Maker Activity/Demonstration or Event Volunteer. (Questions? Contact HS Design Technology Teacher Mr. Campbell [email protected]) Rock'n'Rota concert Come to this year's second Rock'n'Rota concert which will take place in the ASW Theater on Friday, April 21 at 6:30 PM. MS and HS bands will be playing a wide repertoire of music including a tribute to the recently departed Chuck Berry. Tickets are 10 pln at the door. All proceeds will be used to buy music-related items for the District Group of Family Assistance Facilities in Konstancin-Jeziorna. Come support the rockin' music at ASW! (Questions? Contact Chris Celinski MS & HS Music Teacher: [email protected] ) Other Links of Interest ES Office Weebly Counselor’s Corner PYP Implementation ASW Library Website
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Classroom Blogs
Pre-Kindergarten Ms. Julien Ms. Sobocinska Kindergarten Ms. Stutz Ms. Lothamer Ms. Litz First Grade Ms. Taylor Ms. Lindsey Ms. Merritt Second Grade Ms. Ocaya Gamon Mr. Nonato Ms. Kraft Ms.Smith Third Grade Ms. Breault Ms. Banka Ms. Dunevant Ms. LaQuay Fourth Grade Mr. Benson Ms. Matusova Ms. Chestnut Ms. Martens Fifth Grade Mr. Avery Mr. Jordan Mr. Miller Ms. McGoldrick Specialists and Languages French/Polish Culture: Ms. Bar Ms. Harasimowska Ms. Grzegorowska Native Polish: Ms. Cechnicka-Polit Ms. Gozdecka Art: Ms. Jordan Ms. Sulek PE: Mr. Eleryk Mr. Kienhuis Music: Mr. Minasz Ms. Andrews Library: Ms. James Digital Learning : Mr. May Ms. Sheehan Learning Support: Ms. Nail Ms. Newnan Ms. Brewster Ms. Krohn EAL: Ms. Kusanovic Ms. Kluczek Ms. MacKenty Ms. Niesluchowska Ms. Griffin Enote Archives
June 2018